Affirm God’s Good Plan
December 2, 2007
I know it is a good plan
because God said that it
was so!
In this study I
will be freely using excerpts from The Pulpit
Commentary on Genesis and Henry Morris' The Genesis
We are studying the origin
and creation of all
things as God has revealed
it - and this includes
mankind - the way one
reacts to the first verse in the
Bible - "In the
beginning God created the heavens
and the earth"
determines how the rest is received!
We don't get very far in
life or this society until we
confront an attitude that "science
and religion" are
at conflict - I Tim. 6:20 - "oppositions
of science falsely so
called" - the word is really the
Greek word for knowledge
as science, in the modern
sense of the word, the
investigation, discovery and
classification of
secondary laws (which Genesis 1 speaks)
is unknown in Scripture -
this proves the antiquity of
scripture because the
teaching of evolution and other
modern criticisms are
"johnny come latelys" and are
not addressed - it takes
for granted that God is the
origin of all things -
"All things were made by Him
and without Him was not
anything made that was
made" - John 1:3
Only "the fool has
said in his heart that there is no
God" and then
proceeds to act like it?
v. 28 - says "to
subdue the earth" - from this pulpit
nearly forty years ago Bro. Duncan preached
that this meant to find out the earth's secrets.
Excerpt from my book My
One Hundred Favorite
Artifacts from the
Little River Clovis Complex.
I have tried to be as realistic and scientific as I know
how –
one of the original responsibilities which God gave to
was to “Replenish the earth and subdue it”- Genesis 1:28
we have been faithful in that we have filled the earth with
people, that is the easy part – Clovis men and women
when the earth was not as populated as it is now – they
and got along fine
– but the subjugation part is a little more
“tricky” - “Subdue” means to find out its secrets – I am
of the
firm belief that
man will never discover anything that is not
real or true – he may manufacture something that is false
he can only discover truth - modern man thinks he is something
but Clovis people could have had electricity or chased
in helicopters if they knew how to control principles
that were
already in existence in 11,000 B. C. – it is the tools and the
technology that makes one group more successful than
group – Clovis people were highly intelligent and very
skilled to
live in their harsh environment but video games and
movies does not make us superior – the culprit to me is
and pseudo-science where the subjugation gets “sticky” –
comes along and puts in his “two cents worth” and is
often very
selective and biased in the conclusion he comes to – it
me of the proverbial “blind man, in a dark room, looking
for a
black cat that isn’t there’
The word used of false
science in I Tim. 6:20 is the word taught
in English classes across
America as "pseudonym" - bearing a
false name. This false name is not SCIENCE - I submit to
that it is philosophy -
what a person thinks and it is often
Such is "godless
humanism" - a heavy hitter in the
educational community of
the last 50 years - and one of
the main reasons
creationism is under such attack in
American schools - Kansas is under ridicule by the
leftist media because of
passing a law that it must be
taught along side of
evolution - Webster's
Dictionary gives this
definition of secular humanism: a
doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values; a
philosophy that asserts
the dignity and worth of man
and his capacity for
self-realization through reason
and that often rejects
Nothing is more galling to
pseudo-science than obvious
ignorance putting on the
airs of infallibility....the very
elements which they do not
understand - II Peter 2:12 -
"speak evil of things
that they understand not"
Romans 1:18-23
The Bible speaks of such a
condition as "willingly
True science, which has
rewarded centuries of labor
have not in a single
instance clashed with any truth
of the Bible.
This wilful ignorance is a
part of "THE LIE"
I Thess. 2:11 and comes
from the devil who is the
father of it - John 8:44
So as we study the
Creation as revealed by God
we may fix our thoughts on
a Loving and Omnipotent
God who made a glorious
The lesson for all is for
men or nations that
Genesis one is neither
history, science nor
mythology - it is a
v. 1 - "In the beginning" - without indicating
when - the expression intimates that the
beginning was.
The visible universe with
men, animals, plants,
starry hosts and angelic
The universe is vast but
not infinite - only God is infinite!
It stands out distinctly
from His personality!
v. 2 - Isaiah 45:18
The Holy Spirit is
represented as the formative cause of
all life and order in the
world - presented as "brooding"
hence to cherish young.
The formative powers of
life and order which were to
burst forth in answer to
the six words of the first six days.
v. 3 - "And God
said" - ten times repeated in the six days
Every time the word goes
forth from Elohim - it is
followed by instantaneous
movement in the chaos.
v. 4 - "And God saw
the light, that it was good"
Light is a Divine gift -
it belongs to no one nation or class
of people but to all - it
was His first gift to the race - it is
free - it costs nothing -
directly or indirectly - all the earth's
glory is dependent on
light - without light there would be
no Super Bowl, no new
construction of houses to be worried
about, no ordering from a
fast food restaurant, no drive
to work, no nothing!
Not only did God, who is
Light, create light but He created
the eye to behold and the
brain to translate the light -
"God is light and in
Him is no darkness at all" - I John
John 1:1-11
God's will is that we know
Him, the Light of the world!
John-Grant story.
v. 7 - the atmospheric
firmament - it is the handiwork of
God - Psalm 19:1
It is not God's handiwork
which we are to worship
but He, its Maker.
The Hebrew mind never
mistook things for persons,
or creatures for the
Creator - it is only modern philosophy
that degrades the Creator
from His throne and puts the
creature in His seat.
Jayne Ellen had her 5th
chemo-treatment last Monday -
if it were not for the
mercies and faithfulness of God
she wouldn't have to worry
about lung cancer because
for not God's design she
would realize the above fate.
Javard Lindley's breakup
of the pass in Tennessee game
nor Maxwell's interception
could have occurred - their bodies would have blown up except atmospheric
pressure holds it in place by God's design
Neither the person who
committed adultery last week,
he or she who abused their
body with cocaine, those
planning to rob a bank or
ring a Salvation Army bell
during Christmas like Lyle
Dunbar and Mack Brake could exist -
While in line at a drive
up window Friday night, I saw
cars whiz by - were it not
for God and His creation of
gravity and centrifugal
force they would whiz right
on out into space - sinner
and saint alike would be in
the same predicament were
it not for God's grace - we
would end up like the
wicked mentioned in Jude 13 -
"wandering stars, to
whom the blackness of darkness
is reserved for ever"
- For God's own - I Peter 1:4
The gentle breeze - the
south wind blowing - from a
kid hearing the trains
bearing news of good weather
to JW McGaughey's diary of
hearing the guns from
Ft. Donaldson during the
Civil War!
Is not God great?
vs. 9-12 - Day 3 - All
God's creatures have their own
peculiar natures and characteristic structures.
These natures and structures are assigned by God!
He delights in variety
- to wish to be different than
what God created us is a sinful discontent - our
highest function is to act in accordance with our
God designed nature - "Bloom where you are
The seas were divided into
oceans, lakes, rivers - the land into
mountains, hills and
valleys, the plants into grasses, herbs and
The best way to serve God
is to be ourselves, we are all to be
subservient unto one
another -
vs. 14-19 - Sun making
reached its culmination on Day Four.
"He made the stars
also" - "He telleth the
number of the stars,
He calleth them all by
name" - Psalm 147:4
vs. 17-18 - An intimation that on this day the
arrangements for the illumination of the globe and the
measurement of time were permanently settled.
Day-Night- time for work-
time for sleep - eventually one day
a week - the sabbath - ch.
Therefore "Give unto
the Lord the glory due unto His name" -
Psalm 29:2
vs. 20-22 - Day 5 -
creation of animal life - God finds a part
of His happiness in surrounding Himself with living
creatures culminating with man.
The aquatic and aerial
creatures were in preparation for
the coming of man and to
be subservient to his needs and uses.
They were endowed with the
power of hereditary transmission.
"Be fruitful and
multiply"- (in masses)
vs. 24-31 - Day 6 - animal
life and man -
v. 26 - A Divine
Consultation - His last and greatest work!
"Let us make man in
our image" - man's relation to
God is - "shadow"
Emphasize the teaching of
"hands" in Psalm 119:73
Contrast - Hilary and
Ambrose think that by the plural
"hands" is
intimated that there is a more exact and perfect
workmanship in man, and as
if it were the greater labor and
skill he had been formed
by God, because after "the image and
likeness of God: and that
it is not written that any other thing
but man was made by God
with both hands, for He saith in
Isaiah 48:13 - "Mine
hand also hath laid the foundation of
the earth"
Thus the sad statement of
Isaiah 5:4 - "What could have
been done more to my
vineyard, that I have not done in
it? wherefore, when I looked that it should bring
grapes, brought it forth
wild grapes?
"Be fruitful and
multiply and replenish the earth
and subdue it" -
utilize the vast resources of the earth,
by agricultural and mining
operations, by geographical
research, scientific
discovery and mechanical invention!
Every square inch of earth
is capable of subjugation and
occupation - the resources
- everything in heaven, earth,
and the sea was placed at
his command - nothing was
useless and many things
were precious beyond compare.
God had given it to him -
they were not acquired by the
sword but donated by their
v. 31 - Not simply
"good" but "good exceedingly" -
an expression of admiration - I got a tinge of
that Friday when I vacuumed up my leaves and the yard looked so good - contrast last week when I
turn around and there they are
ch. 2
v. 1 - " were
finished" the ideas of cessation and perfection -
not that God had simply paused in His activity but the
Divine idea of His universe had been
"and all the host of
them" - brand new - a brilliant array
vs. 2-3 - the sabbath day
The sabbath is adapted to
the wants of man physically,
intellectually, socially,
politically - the benefits of a rest
from a week of toil is
realized by the manual laborer,
the professional thinker,
the social fabric and the body
politic in respect of
health, wealth, strength & happiness.
This is an ordinance of
God for the good of man. Till it
merges with the grand
design of an eternal rest, it must
Christ said "the
sabbath was made for man, not man the
v. 4 - "the Lord
God" - Jehovah - the proper personal name
of God, the absolute self-existent One!
v. 5 - "every
plant....before it was in the earth......and every
herb....before it grew"
These also were the
creation of Jehovah.
v. 7 - Read - the material
body and the immaterial soul - so
wondrously fashioned, so delicately carved, so finely
articulated, so firmly knit - all from a heap of dust!
"I will praise Thee,
O Lord; for I am fearfully and
made" - Psalm 139:14
The body is very valuable
and we are obligated to neither
dishonor nor abuse it -
man's body is the temple of the
Holy Ghost!
v. 8 - The Garden of the
Lord - a heaven on earth - "give
unto the Lord the glory due unto His name" - people
talk of Mother Nature??? - let us rejoice in the earth's
beauty and thank God for it!
v. 9
It was distinguished by
the presence of two trees - the Tree
of Life and the Tree of
the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
v. 15 - God always locates
men in spheres that are exactly
suited to their natures and needs.
Man's endowments and
capacities are fitted for activity.
His happiness and safety
(against temptation) required
him to be employed. If God was ever working, why should
man be idle? "An idle mind is the devil's
vs. 16-17 - man - a moral
being - had the law written on his
conscience - the ability to distinguish between right
and wrong, duty and sin, sins of commission and sins
of omission - morality had been implanted in their
natures and was intended to regulate their lives -
good would be reaped from obedience and evil would
follow transgression.
v. 18 - "I will
provide a help meet for him"
v. 19 - "to see what
he would call them" - man was
created with the faculty of speech (a most
marvelous piece of equipment) - the distinct gift
of articulate and rational
utterance - the capacity
to attach words to ideas.
v. 20 -
vs. 21-24