ch. 10
This chapter contains the earliest form of tabulating
the geographical distribution of the human race. It
declares that all the successive families of mankind
have sprung from a common stock – all trace their
origin to Noah and his sons – God hath made of one
blood all nations of men for to dwell upon all the
face of the earth.
It is useful to the geographer, the historian, the
politician, but especially the theologian because it
enables him to trace the descent of the woman’s seed
and to mark the fulfillment of Scripture prophecies
concerning the nations of the earth.
It implies that nations have a God assigned title to
the countries which they occupy (implications for
ordered distribution of the earth’s population is
capable of being disturbed by sinful interference
of man – for starters we find the intrusion of the
Cushite into
originally belonged to Shem.
The Bible depicts the brotherhood of man, the universal
corruption of the race and the necessity of Christ’s
This passage and the next chapter, tell of their moving
outward to accomplish their respective destinies and
common work -
they were meant to overspread the
Isaiah 45:18, 21,25
v. 8 – Nimrod – the rebel – acquired his dominion
by conquest – he was a gigantic oppressor of
people’s liberties and an impious rebel
Divine authority – Josephus credits
with instigating the
v. 9 – “before the Lord” – in a spirit of defiance – in
rude and uncultivated way.
Lessons: wicked men and nations
may greatly prosper,
sometimes leads to greater wickedness,
that the greatest prosperity cannot turn
the punishment of sin.
vs. 2-5 – Japheth’s seven sons are listed
- they can be
to ancestors of the Indo-European peoples.
Greeks, Aryans in India, Crimea area, Germany, Wales,
origin of the term “
mentions Eilesian people
named after
It is especially that to the descendants of Japheth that
the term “Gentiles” is applied.
I recommend The Genesis Record by
Henry Morris
vs. 7-20 – the sons of Ham – ch. 9:25-27
both in Arabia and
of the curse as time went on – he named his son Nimrod –
“let us rebel” – the inference is that
from childhood to be a leader in a planned and
rebellion against God’s purposes for mankind – had they
been destined to servitude? – no
– they would rule instead
in their struggle for the ascendancy among men.
Nimrod became a “mighty tyrant in the face of Jehovah”
He was powerful in
hunting and in wickedness
the Lord, for he was a hunter of the sons of
and he said unto them, “Depart from the
of the Lord, and adhere to the judgment
Nimrod!” Therefore it is said: “As Nimrod the
one, strong in hunting, and in wickedness
the Lord.”
Nimrod built
the whole complex was a large metropolitan area
throughout the Tigris and
vs. 13-14 - The sons of Mizraim founded
come out of this branch – Mediterranean locality
v. 15 –
sons and an unknown number of daughters –
eldest was
is the ancestor of the Hittites – ch. 23:10 –
have noted similarities between the
and the Mongoloids.
vs. 16-18 -The other nine sons of
of the Canaanite tribes that inhabited the land
when the Israelites arrived.
Images taken from
The Genesis
Record by
Henry Morris
vs. 21-31 – The sons of Shem – the ones chosen by God
transmit the knowledge of the true God and His
to later generations.
language among the Jews at the time of Christ!
From Eber comes the term Hebrews.
In the days of Peleg was the “earth divided”
– continental
drift??? -
The possibility of the effects of “the fountains of
the deep being broken up at the time of the Flood caused this.
From this list of distinct family units, distinct languages
subsequent of
Shem, 30 from Ham and 14 from Japheth – a total of
ch. 11
v. 3 - "...go to, let us make brick...for
This country was void of stones and full of clay -
their crime was aggravated because they had
to work to make brick.
"burn them thoroughly" - the were
aware that
the second destruction of the world was to be by
fire - archaeologists testify that they were united
by bitumen and that it was almost impossible to
detach one brick from another.
We are aware that God will use fire next time and
has promised never to flood the earth again on
such a scale - we will build this so high that if
is a flood it will not affect it and if he truly uses
fire, the brick will withstand it?
Nimrod's aim was to create a self-sufficient society
that under his leadership was no longer dependent
upon God?
Perhaps there was a small number of people who
did not agree with his plans but they would be easily
deposed by such a great hunter of men as described
in ch. 10:9
This project was probably presented to the people
under the guise of true
spirituality - (not changing the message -
just the way it is presented? ) - the
tower in its lofty grandeur would
represent the might and majesty of the
True God of heaven - at its top they could even have an
altar on which to
offer sacrifices to worship God - the signs of the Zodiac could even be
emblazoned on the ornate ceiling and on
the walls to signify the great
stories of creation and
redemption. - This would surely please
God and
more than compensate for the fact
that the whole project was
contrary to the commands of God and
would glorify man's
achievement rather than recognize human
frailty and Divine
The absence of true communion with God left
a vacuum in their souls that would soon be filled.
From this came a complex form of evolutionary
pantheism centered in astrology, the occult,
spiritism and demonism.
Nimrod had united men in his Satanic partnership,
perhaps many unwittingly. (Look before you leap)
v. 4 - Their impiety - was this a covert sneer
the promised exaltation of Shem or simply
display of that lust of glory which resides in
fallen heart?
"let us make us
a name" - called to glorify God's
their goal was to make a name for themselves -
to Philo each man wrote his name upon
brick before it was laid.
"a tower" - this
a deliberate, determined, enthusiastic hostility to
the Divine purpose of God - that they should spread
throughout the earth
- this is the essence of all impiety -
antagonism to the mind of God.
Holiness is but another name for obedience!
Jer. 9:23-24
The sin of the Babelites was the desire to
supremacy over nature - a godless spirit of science
and philosophy which recognizes no power or
authority superior to itself. I ask, is this going on
today at Harvard, Yale, the
or the
"lest we be scattered abroad" - as
if the were
determined to distinguish themselves before
surrendering to the Divine command to spread
themselves upon the earth - they aimed at resisting
God's will.
Isaiah 45:18
v. 6 - "And the Lord said, Behold the
people" -
They are one in race, tongue and purpose.
v. 7 - An inspection of their work - compare ch.
Every work of man shall be judged at the bar of God and
the Divine verdict will often strangely conflict with the
judgments of men - in that Day lawyers, the Supreme
the ACLU nor the
Great Advocate - Jesus Christ the Righteous will speak with
"nothing will be restrained from them,
which they
have imagined to do"
These people were caught in the very act of
insubordination and so will you if you insist on
taking the ungodly stance you have been taking for
so long!
Wilfully worshipping the creation
instead of the Creator - all forms of
paganism have come from the Babylonian
religion - often in forms of
the Zodiac emphasizing the heavens, men, and birds and four footed
beasts and creeping thing - Satan is
more of a corrupted than an
innovator -
and abominations of the
earth" - even creeping into Christianity!
v. 8 - "So the Lord scattered them abroad" - by
of tongues and frustrating their
- Arch Books -
The faculty of speech is a truly amazing attribute of
mankind - it is a great sin to prostitute it in
one's Maker but especially to use it to cooperate in
rebellion against God!
This process of migration and cultural diffusion
wouldn't necessarily take long - archaeologists
have been confirming that civilization appeared
pretty simultaneously in all parts of the world only
a few millennia ago!
Also, this is the origin of the seemingly difference
in the races of mankind due to close inbreeding!
v. 9 - "
epitome of foolishness - the world today
full of such monuments of folly - emblems
shame which is the lot of all the wicked
the earth
vs. 10-26 - the development of the line of the promised seed
ten generations to Abram.
"Excerpted text
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(1) every death that happened or happens
should sound like
a trumpet call to sinful men to turn to God before it is too
(2) Twenty generations had come and gone, and the promise
not forgotten nor had the holy line become extinct!
(3) Not once in all the bygone centuries has a link been found
in the chain of saintly men through whom the
was to be fulfilled!
(4) Compare Zeph. 3:9 with Acts 2:6-11 - a foreshadowing
glorious future!
(5) That Abraham, unlike
children in