February 9, 2025
The Sure Mercies of David - Part VII
Lesson notes # 1baa - top of left
column -
2025 February 9 -
The Sure Mercies of David - Part VII
You Tube Video of
Lesson at top of left column - #1aa229 -
2025 February 9 -
The Sure Mercies of David - Part VII
For daily
devotionals this year I recommend going to the
link below and picking at random a sermon of Charles
Spurgeon and reading the Introduction, which is usually
less than a page:http://www.spurgeongems.org/
May be
heard over the radio – WHOP 1230 AM and 95.3 FM (Each Sunday -9:00-10am Central Time)
and on
the Internet – whopam.com -
May be watched over You Tube at your
convenience (See listing on your left - this
Dear Friend in Christ,
From 1941-2018. the Adult Bible
Class was broadcast live over WHOP radio in
For about thirty years we were on
local television. As of August, 2020, we
are no longer on local television as Spectrum arbitrarily cut us off. I have now switched to the Internet and now
we have the potential of reaching anyone in the world through You Tube. Look to the left and you will see this
Sunday’s lesson.
With the imminent coming of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ, we have but a short time to share the gospel before what
the Bible calls “the Consummation of the Age”.
With the advent of the internet, we have the wonderful opportunity, as
never before, to carry out the Great Commission of teaching the Glorious Gospel
of the Kingdom of God and of His Christ, to the world! (Prior to the use of You Tube to supplant
local television, there was an audio version over WHOP [local radio] which was
on the worldwide web.)
This web site consists of the last
twenty years of Sunday School Lessons which are in a
format geared towards individualized and personal Bible study. These lessons were prepared through prayer
and I trust the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
I never remember a time, but what, before each study or preparation that
I did not ask God’s help according to the admonition in James 1:5. Much has been drawn from The Pulpit Commentary, other commentaries and experiences from
every day life. AGES DIGITAL LIBRARY has
graciously allowed me to use excerpts from their CD to facilitate use on the
The renowned evangelist of the late
19th century, Dwight Lyman Moody, said in the introduction to his
sermon Pleasure and Profit in Bible
“Someone has said that there are four
things necessary in studying the Bible: Admit, Submit, Commit, and Transmit. First, admit its truth; second, submit to its
teachings; third, commit it to memory; and fourth, transmit it. If the Christian life is a good thing for
you, pass it on to someone else. You
know it is always regarded a great event in the family when a child can feed
itself. It is propped up at the table,
and at first, perhaps,
it uses the spoon upside down, but by and by it uses it all right, and mother,
or perhaps sister, claps her hands and says “Just see, baby’s feeding
himself”. Well, what we need as
Christians is to be able to feed ourselves.
For those who minimize the importance
of God’s Word, I highly recommend considering Amos 8 –
The Blank Bible by Henry Rogers # 58 (this web site at left)
The current lesson being taught on
any given Sunday is supposed to be available here to you. You are welcome and encouraged to study any
part of this site on your own schedule and of your own choosing. I recommend a regular, systematic study of
one lesson at a time. Don’t attempt to
do too much at one sitting.
“Known unto God are all His works from
the beginning of the world” - Acts 15:18
Updated: January 4, 2024